2016 - Great Progress
“Soil Safe has been a tremendous partner in converting a contaminated parcel of property into a strong tax ratable for the Borough, with a consistent stream of revenue to the community. For decades, there has been debate about how to address the contamination on this site to safeguard the river, while maximizing the potential of the land. SoilSafe has found the solution, to the direct benefit of Carteret" …”
- Ron D’Argenio Esq., General Partner, Rahway Arch Properties
Project Update: July 2016
Great progress is being made on the clean-up of the old Cytec site. Following startup and equipment debugging, remedial activities began in earnest in May 2014. Initial work was to place the fair drainage layer material to begin consolidation of the sludge in the impoundments.
This initial layer of drainage material has been placed on approximately 70% of the site and is consolidating as predicted.
Recycling operations
Processing of soil cement and placement of the remedial cap have met all expectations as well.
Overall, the remediation is on schedule and approximately one-third complete.
Previous “controversy”
Certain individuals, posing as “environmentalists”, were paid huge sums of money by a fearful and paranoid competitor to spread false information about the project.
Despite the many “dire” false predictions including flooding and berm instability meant to stall and ultimately kill the clean-up project, all environmental and geotechnical designs have performed as planned.
Instrumentation placed throughout the site shows that the loading on the site is occurring in a safe and predictable manner.
“As an engineer myself, I have always been laser focused on addressing the stability and proper consolidation of the material being capped. That is why we hired world-class geotechnical engineers to investigate, design and monitor the placement and progress of the loading.”
- Mark Smith, President, Soil Safe, Inc.
Permit Compliance
Ongoing inspections and monitoring have confirmed that the facility is in compliance with every one of its 17 permits and approvals. The site health and safety record is “textbook” exemplary, with employee training and welfare our highest priority.
“Operations occur year round in often severe weather conditions and we address all those conditions ever mindful of worker safety and regulatory compliance. Nothing is more important. “
- Peter Anthony, Facility Manager, Soil Safe, Inc. (Metro12 Facility)
Soil and Product Quality
Environmental screening procedures before receipt are strictly enforced resulting in routine rejections of non-compliant material before shipping. Post processing tests are reviewed by the Licensed Site Remediation Professional before material is allowed to be placed. This has resulted in a 100% perfect compliance record and has been fully-documented.
“Following start-up, the facility has had inspections by permit enforcement representatives from the regulatory agencies overseeing the project. The remediation is proceeding as anticipated in full compliance with all of the requirements outlined in the remediation work plans and environmental regulations.”
- Albert P. Free, PE, LSRP
Relationship with Carteret – our host community
“This has been a win-win for Carteret and Soil Safe has been a terrific contract partner…”
- Dan Reiman, Mayor, Borough of Carteret
Starting with the end game in mind
The goals of the project remain unchanged – remediate the alum sludge impoundments, stabilize the materials and berms surrounding the site, create viable buffers adjacent to the existing wetlands, and create usable, ratable property in order to create a safe and sustainable littoral habitat along this heavily industrialized and ecologically-stressed stretch of the Rahway River.
Soil Safe sales personnel are available to address your soil recycling needs.
Contact Jim Grant 800-562-4365 ext. 1104 or Jeff Berger at 516-605-2110 for sales information.
Fulfilling the Promise
“Soil Safe has been a tremendous partner in converting a contaminated parcel of property into a strong tax ratable for the Borough, with a consistent stream of revenue to the community. For decades, there has been debate about how to address the contamination on this site to safeguard the river, while maximizing the potential of the land. SoilSafe has found the solution, to the direct benefit of Carteret" …”
- Ron D’Argenio Esq., General Partner, Rahway Arch Properties
Project Update: July 2016
Great progress is being made on the clean-up of the old Cytec site. Following startup and equipment debugging, remedial activities began in earnest in May 2014. Initial work was to place the fair drainage layer material to begin consolidation of the sludge in the impoundments.
This initial layer of drainage material has been placed on approximately 70% of the site and is consolidating as predicted.
Recycling operations
Processing of soil cement and placement of the remedial cap have met all expectations as well.
Overall, the remediation is on schedule and approximately one-third complete.
Previous “controversy”
Certain individuals, posing as “environmentalists”, were paid huge sums of money by a fearful and paranoid competitor to spread false information about the project.
Despite the many “dire” false predictions including flooding and berm instability meant to stall and ultimately kill the clean-up project, all environmental and geotechnical designs have performed as planned.
Instrumentation placed throughout the site shows that the loading on the site is occurring in a safe and predictable manner.
“As an engineer myself, I have always been laser focused on addressing the stability and proper consolidation of the material being capped. That is why we hired world-class geotechnical engineers to investigate, design and monitor the placement and progress of the loading.”
- Mark Smith, President, Soil Safe, Inc.
Permit Compliance
Ongoing inspections and monitoring have confirmed that the facility is in compliance with every one of its 17 permits and approvals. The site health and safety record is “textbook” exemplary, with employee training and welfare our highest priority.
“Operations occur year round in often severe weather conditions and we address all those conditions ever mindful of worker safety and regulatory compliance. Nothing is more important. “
- Peter Anthony, Facility Manager, Soil Safe, Inc. (Metro12 Facility)
Soil and Product Quality
Environmental screening procedures before receipt are strictly enforced resulting in routine rejections of non-compliant material before shipping. Post processing tests are reviewed by the Licensed Site Remediation Professional before material is allowed to be placed. This has resulted in a 100% perfect compliance record and has been fully-documented.
“Following start-up, the facility has had inspections by permit enforcement representatives from the regulatory agencies overseeing the project. The remediation is proceeding as anticipated in full compliance with all of the requirements outlined in the remediation work plans and environmental regulations.”
- Albert P. Free, PE, LSRP
Relationship with Carteret – our host community
“This has been a win-win for Carteret and Soil Safe has been a terrific contract partner…”
- Dan Reiman, Mayor, Borough of Carteret
Starting with the end game in mind
The goals of the project remain unchanged – remediate the alum sludge impoundments, stabilize the materials and berms surrounding the site, create viable buffers adjacent to the existing wetlands, and create usable, ratable property in order to create a safe and sustainable littoral habitat along this heavily industrialized and ecologically-stressed stretch of the Rahway River.
Soil Safe sales personnel are available to address your soil recycling needs.
Contact Jim Grant 800-562-4365 ext. 1104 or Jeff Berger at 516-605-2110 for sales information.