2013-2014 Air Quality
A Final Word about Air Quality
Soil Safe has developed a multi-tiered approach to prevent, minimize or eliminate dust, diesel exhaust and other potential emission sources – these controls have been extremely effective at all of our New Jersey operations.
Proactive Air Quality Program
During the permitting process, Soil Safe evaluated the entire future operation to determine potential for dust and VOC emissions and then worked with DEP Division of Air Quality to formulate the best management practices to eliminate them. The objective was to ensure these potential sources were minimized to prevent exposure and meet all air standards. Accordingly, NJDEP has confirmed that the facility is a Minor Emissions Source. For the record, the nearest residences are more than a half mile south of the property (on the other side of the KM tank farm).
In addition to minimizing dust, the Carteret site was fully evaluated using EPA and DEP approved air modeling programs to evaluate volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions. VOC's in soils are measured and handling and processing are controlled to minimize VOC emissions and comply with permit conditions. Based on experience and actual measurements from our other facilities, projected VOC emissions from the entire site will be 10 to 15% of that allowed from a NJ gas station.
Potential sources of emissions include: trucks and roads, operating equipment, and stockpile operations. We go to great lengths to eliminate these. Some of the steps being taken at the Carteret site include:
Trucks and on site roads: A four tier approach is used to minimize dust
- Roads are the greatest potential dust source. Over 1700 feet of gravel road was installed to prevent drag-out of dirt and mud onto asphalt roads outside the facility (Tier 1)
- A well was installed for the site water truck which will water down the road to prevent dust. Stormwater runoff from the site is collected and is also used to moisten surfaces to control dust (Tier 2)
- Vehicle speed is controlled throughout their trip through the facility to prevent dust generation. (Tier 3)
- Facility includes a truck tire wash to prevent tracking of dirt onto gravel road (Tier 4).
- The site has direct access to the NJTPK across only one intersection. All trucks bringing material from originating locations more than 5 miles away have been instructed to use the Turnpike and intersection, which eliminates traffic or diesel emissions in neighborhoods.
Processing and operating equipment
- All of the soil processing equipment is electrically driven – this eliminates three diesel engines and the resulting diesel exhaust and noise.
- All processing equipment will have water spray bars to control dust while the material is being processed, and a bag house is used to prevent dust emissions during loading of the cement silo.
- This type of spray equipment for dust control is considered a Best Management Practice (BMP).
Stockpile operations
- Stockpile dimensions are strictly height limited to prevent exposure to wind.
- Stockpiles are kept moist to minimize fugitive dust
- No stockpile operations will be conducted in dry, windy conditions
Diesel Exhaust Emissions
Just like potential sources of dust, potential emissions from diesel exhausts have been evaluated and control measures are being implemented to minimize diesel emissions include:
- Only low sulfur fuel is used for the earth moving equipment.
- The site has direct access to the NJTPK across only one intersection. All trucks bringing material from originating locations more than 5 miles away have been instructed to use the Turnpike and intersection, which eliminates traffic or diesel emissions in neighborhoods.
The sludge in the impoundments is not organic and has no odor. There is no decaying waste currently on the property, and none will be brought on the site.
The additive used is cement, which is odorless. The average VOC content in the incoming soil at our New Jersey operations is 1 part per million. This is extremely low.
As a result, no odors have been encountered at our other locations and likewise there will be no odors from the Carteret operations.