Soil Safe Hosts Federal, State, County and other Officials at Brandywine

On June 28th, 2018, Soil Safe hosted an information session and site tour at its Brandywine Recycling Facility for US EPA, Maryland MDE, County officials and a handful of private industries investigating processes and best practices for recycling and use of petroleum contaminated soils and resulting products.
Jim Grant, VP Sales, and Joe Redding, Regional Sales Manager for Baltimore-Washington, provided a review of our process, operations, QA/QC protocol, health and safety program, and related information to the 20+ participants of the Ad Hoc Committee. The Ad Hoc Committee is a consortium of private and public-sector experts that handle issues related to petroleum, petroleum storage and distribution industries in the Baltimore-Washington region.
Of special interest was the first hand view of the recycling process itself and seeing Soil Safe’s finished product placed at Brandywine and ready for development.
The participants were very complimentary of the site conditions and operations, and left with a better understanding of the benefits of true recycling.
“Thank you for the tour of your facility that you gave the ad hoc Committee on Oil yesterday. You helped us understand that the soil that we have been sending to your facility over the years is handled properly and is being put to a beneficial use.”
For more information, please contact:
Jim Grant, Vice President - Sales
Office: (410) 872-3990 ext. 1104
Cell: (410) 409-1772
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.